Repetitive dream

Tonight it happened again, like always so vivid.
I stood in front of three beige doors I had grown to hate. There paint still fresh, exactly the way I had remembered them from a year ago.
“Don’t pick the middle door” my words would echo throughout the empty room, I knew this all too well, I was smarter then this but then again it wasn’t about what you knew anymore. This was something you couldn’t fight; it was always the middle door.

The place was exactly how I remembered it to be, the sense of loneliness lingered throughout the town, so dark and yet everything felt a little clearer. The ropes were tighter this time, they rubbed on my wrists and ankles as I moved with such uneasiness. I knew exactly what was going on, what was going to happen next as the last few moments flicked through my head.
I was calmer this time yet I couldn’t help but shed tears like I had before, I could feel them coming after me it was only a matter of time now.

They arrived in packs, faces hidden behind velvet masks. I tried to close my eyes, to escape them but behind closed lids there faces were revealed.
There was no way to explain them, not quite human but nothing I had ever seen before. Their skin hung off their bodies like decaying matter, their bloodshot eyes bulging out of their sockets, their noses broken and slightly off centre and their remaining teeth as sharp as knives.
They began to chant the chant I had remembered off by heart, slow and soft it started but it grew fiercer and louder until there voices rung in my ears.
I wanted to run, to escape them but I knew there was no where to go, no where to hide. I knew that it didn’t matter how fast I ran or how far I got they would find me and make me pay.
I wouldn’t get anywhere, I wasn’t safe anymore.

They came closer and closer towards me. The smell of their breath made my stomach turn. In the shadows they smiled, like they were excited to see me, it had been so long since we had seen each other. I hated how there was no where to look other then their bloodshot eyes; I hated how empty they were, Like the souls behind them had disappeared and they were now empty.
A flash of their uneven teeth twisted like the words they spoke.
Closer and closer they came.
One forced himself onto me making me cringe, my breathing becoming limited. I screamed louder for help, for breath, one last breath! His arms around my neck, I was choking.
“Ill see you soon” he would laugh and they began to chant their chant, the one I remember off by heart. I couldn’t fight it anymore, I had lost again, numb and lifeless.

I woke up, sweating more then I had ever before, my hands shaking and my eyes stinging from tears. My fears had found me, fears I thought I had chased away found me in the one place I couldn’t control. Each night when I was younger I was destroyed in a place I couldn’t escape, I thought I had grown out of it but maybe I hadn’t.
These are the dreams you have so much trouble picking imagination from reality.

(you will probably notice this is a lot like something i have previously posted, its because I had redrafted it)